For Ashraf

For Ashraf


For Ashraf

“Still Imprisoned”

28 July 2016


No news from you, brother,

though everyone else is making

much noise now

in your name

here, in this country of the heart,

this almost invisible place in space


everyone, but you,

of course,


you’re missing from the party,

they’ve lost the plot

in your country-of-the-silent

in this cursed place

where we are sent for our sins,

this solitary sin of being alive


of having a heart that beats

of having wings instead of claws

flesh instead of steel

a poem instead of a whip.


No news here, Ashraf

where i sit,

though all around me

everyone is calling out for you


“where’s Ashraf?” even the birds

here call out

and the dogs on the street shout

“how’s he doin’?”


“Is he bearing up?”

my soul asks too,

on this day, of all days


as if the frantic beating of

our collective hearts

and all the poetry in the world,

could set you free!




séamas carraher

“Still Imprisoned”

28 July 2016


No news from you, brother,

though everyone else is making

much noise now

in your name

here, in this country of the heart,

this almost invisible place in space


everyone, but you,

of course,


you’re missing from the party,

they’ve lost the plot

in your country-of-the-silent

in this cursed place

where we are sent for our sins,

this solitary sin of being alive


of having a heart that beats

of having wings instead of claws

flesh instead of steel

a poem instead of a whip.


No news here, Ashraf

where i sit,

though all around me

everyone is calling out for you


“where’s Ashraf?” even the birds

here call out

and the dogs on the street shout

“how’s he doin’?”


“Is he bearing up?”

my soul asks too,

on this day, of all days


as if the frantic beating of

our collective hearts

and all the poetry in the world,

could set you free!




séamas carraher


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